Tena PharmacyHub


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Elderly Skin Health

Patients may come in with concerns around skin damage and delicate skin. They may have already found a daily skin care routine that suits their skin’s condition and sensitivity. However it is worth talking their routine through to see if there is anything that can be amended.

How To Combat The Effects Of Incontinence

Life is gradually getting back to normal, but for thousands of people who suffer from incontinence, the lifting of lockdown restrictions has been an anxiety-inducing experience...

Help Your Patients With Their Incontinence

If she or he hasn´t already seen a doctor, encourage them to make an appointment soon. You need to find out all you can about your patient's condition. Then they can get the right treatment...

What are Incontinence Pants?

Incontinence pants are an extremely useful product used by millions of people to help them feel comfortable, dry and secure...

Introducing TENA Lights NEW Packaging

TENA have recently relaunched Lights by TENA into TENA Lights liners, consciously made with soft, breathable materials and without any fragrances or dyes...

Advice and Support for Pharmacies

Bladder weakness is a sensitive topic to discuss in pharmacy – not just for customers, but for staff too. Research has found that many patients…

Market Insight

Three million adults in the UK have incontinence, with one in five women over 40 experiencing the condition, and urine leakage happening to one in four men over 40...

Advice on Bladder Training

Many people with bladder weakness are looking for ways to help themselves and increase control over the bladder by reducing the frequency…